It can be an overwhelming project when you start a marketing journey. We know that it takes time, effort and practice to learn and master the tricks of the trade. This handy eBook was written from experience of marketing at many levels both on and offline. The hope is that you can thumb through it and it will inspire you to try something new or polish your existing skills.
The eBook is split out into various sections to give you an overview of each marketing channel. It starts with the basics of establishing your brand and goes on to how you might effectively go about unpacking your proposition in the online marketing world. Using this guide and downloading our handy templates will stand you in good stead when it comes to delivering your printed products to an online audience. Covered in the book are easy tips on:
- SEO Best Practice
- Google My Business
- Social Media
- Paid Advertising
- Email Marketing
- Analytics
- UX & UI
- Blogging
- Content Marketing